A unicorn is a mythological creature. Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only in the horn on its forehead, the traditional unicorn also has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hooves these distinguish it from a horse. The unicorn is a beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. It is fierce good, selfless solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. It could be captured only by unfair means, and its single horn was said to neutralize poison.
Unicorns are not found in Greek mythology, but rather in a natural history, for Greek writers of natural history were convinced of the reality of the unicorn, which they located in India, a distant and fabulous realm for them.
In Chinese mythology, is sometimes called "the Chinese unicorn", it is a hybrid animal that looks less unicorn than chimera, with the body of a deer, the head of a lion, green scales and a long forwardly-curved horn.
In Japanese version (kirin) more closely resembles the Western unicorn, even though it is based on the Chinese qilin.
The Que Ly of Vietnamese myth, similarly sometimes mistranslated "unicorn" is a symbol of wealth and prosperity that made its first appearance during the Duong Dynasty, about 600 CE, to Emperor Duong Cao To, after a military victory which resulted in his conquest of Tây Nguyên.
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